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AGI User Manual


Universal Marketing Robot Software


Product Features

Many people often use computers for marketing tasks, but having to repeatedly click the same steps can become tedious and boring. Therefore, we used our spare time to develop the Universal Marketing Robot (AGI), allowing idle computers to perform these tasks automatically.

Installation Requirements

AGI software must be installed on a computer running Microsoft Windows 10/11 or later.

Installation Program

Please click on this AGI download link to download the latest version of the AGI installation file.

After downloading the AGI software, extract the compressed file to begin installation.

【Step 1】 Enter the folder and click on the Setup(.exe) executable file.

【Step 2】 In the AGI installation wizard, click Next.

【Step 3】 Choose the AGI installation folder. The default is C:\Program Files(x86)\AGI\AGI\. After selection, click Next.

【Step 4】 Confirm the installation by clicking Next to start installing the AGI software.

【Step 5】 Installation is complete. Click Close to finish.

Running the Program

Click Start, select All Programs, and you can find the AGI program shortcut under AGI.

Environment Settings

Text Application and Item Size

  • Windows 10 users: Click Start, select Settings, then click System, and set Change the size of text, apps, and other items to 100%.
  • Windows 11 users: Click Start, select Settings, then click System, and under Display, set the Scale to 100%.

Other Application and Schedule Settings

To prevent interruptions, disable background scheduled tasks in Windows, such as disk defragmentation, scheduled antivirus scans, hardware checks, and automatic updates for Windows or other software.

Universal Marketing Robot

Serial Number Activation

Since the free version has a daily limit on the number of command executions, if you have purchased the professional version, you can click Serial NumberRegister Activation.

After entering the serial number, a green check mark will appear if the serial number is correct. Click Activate Online. Upon successful activation, the subscription expiration date will be displayed.

Adding Commands

You can use AGI to execute the commands you want. On the AGI homepage, click Add to add new commands.

  • Open Program: You can open a specified program on the computer. The file path can be selected through the three dots on the right. After selection, you can choose whether to check the maximize window option at the bottom (the maximize window option may not work properly for browsers). After setting, click Save.

  • Open URL: You can open a specified webpage in a specified browser. Currently supports Edge, Chrome, and Brave browsers.

  • Close Browser: You can close a specified browser.

  • Close Program: You can close a specified window.

  • Keyboard Input: You can use the mouse to click and send keyboard commands to AGI. You can enter one letter at a time or use Ctrl, Shift, Alt keys to enter two keys simultaneously, such as Ctrl+C.

  • Mouse Operation (Parameter Setting): You can set the mouse to click on specified XY axis coordinates.

  • Mouse Operation (Screenshot Setting): You can set the mouse to click on a specified position on the screen.

  • Wait Seconds: You can set how long to wait before proceeding to the next step.

  • Paste Text: You can enter specified text for AGI to paste at the cursor position.

  • Maximize Current Window: You can maximize the current window.

Editing Commands

After adding commands, you can also reorder, edit, and delete commands on the homepage.

  • Up and Down Arrows: Used to move the command up or down in the sequence.

  • Pencil Icon: Used to edit the command.

  • Trash Can Icon: Used to delete the command.

Clear All Commands

If there are too many added commands, deleting them one by one can be exhausting. AGI can clear all set commands by clicking Clear All on the homepage.

Saving Commands

After adding a series of commands, if you want to save them for future use or use them on another computer, AGI can export them to a specified location. To save commands, click Save on the homepage.

Loading Commands

AGI can load previously saved command sets. To load commands, click Load on the homepage and select the zip file.

If the file is loaded from another computer, ensure that the resolutions of both the saving and loading computers are the same!

Parameter Testing

If you are unsure of the current window title, window name, or position detected by AGI while adding or editing commands, you can check the current time, mouse coordinates, current window title, name, and range on the parameter testing page.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the serial number be transferred to another computer?

Yes, the serial number can be transferred to another computer. In the software on the old computer, go to About and click Unregister to unbind the serial number, then register it again on the new computer.

If the computer is unfortunately malfunctioning and cannot open the software, you can use the following link to unregister it.

Click here to unregister

Can the software run on Windows XP?

No, the marketing robot software cannot run on Windows XP. It currently only supports computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Can the software run on Windows 7?

No, the marketing robot software cannot run on Windows 7. It currently only supports computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Can the software run on Windows 8?

No, the marketing robot software cannot run on Windows 8. It currently only supports computers running Windows 10 and Windows 11.

Can I reapply for a lost serial number?

If you have lost your serial number, please use the following link to reapply for a new serial number.

Click here to retrieve your serial number